Sunday, March 28, 2010

Movin' around

I am finally able to report that I can feel the baby move. At about 19 weeks, I felt a little something, but wasn't sure it was Joel or not. Now at 20 weeks I can definitely say that Joel is on the move. I can even tell when he is on one side verses the other.
Unlike the previous pregnancies, I showed early. I started showing around 18 weeks, not enough to have to wear maternity clothes but enough to make regular a little uncomfortable. Now at 20 weeks, I'm still not in maternity clothes, but I do wear maternity jeans. We'll see how long it takes me to totally switch over. It was at 30 weeks with both Andrew and Mia, but with their age differences it was like 2 first pregnancies. I have a feeling that Joel is going to be making himself obvious to the rest of the world a lot sooner.
Here's a belly shot at 20 weeks + 4 days:

Saturday, March 27, 2010

It's a boy!

I had my sonogram on Friday and Neil & I are so excited to announce that we are having a little boy. The tech said that all the measurements look perfect and that I'm right on track with my original due date. So, Joel Aiden Bonzagni is expected on August 11th, and you couldn't have two happier parents. Andrew is also so excited about Joel's arrival. Mia, however doesn't really have a clue what is going on. We keep telling her about the baby, but all she does is run to get her baby doll. Once she can see and feel Joel moving I think she'll be able to understand a little better. I'm already half way thru this pregnancy and we have a lot to do; like setting up the nursery and organizing. But, it's a task that is full of joy. We're waiting anxiously for you, Joel!

#1) Joel
#2) Joel's profile
#3) Joel's leg & foot
#4) It's a boy!

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Spring has sprung

We are so thankful that spring has finally arrived to Long Island. Granted, we may reach some cold temps still, however the winter worst is over and we are very excited about our first spring season here. To enjoy our first 70 degree day, Neil and I took Mia on a little walk. Our last visit to this spot was during the fall, but Mia looked around like it was her first trip. The trees were just starting to get there buds and we saw the beginnings of spring. We are looking forward to another visit once the trees have put on the season's bright greens.

Big sister pratice

Looks like my little girl is ready to be a big sister. Grandma & Papa got Mia a baby doll for Christmas. She is just her size and even came with a bottle. Mia loves baby. Every morning after her bottle, she picks up baby and gives her a bottle too. In fact, after every bottle Mia gets, baby gets one as well. She holds baby close and "gives her love", hugging her and giving her kisses. I tell her what a great big sister she is going to be and lately she seems to understand that something is coming her way. Mia is such a little Mother. She even puts baby down for naps, which only last about 2 seconds...may be she is trying to tell me something.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Big girl bottle

Mia finally started holding her bottle by 14 months! She had to be coaxed into starting. In the beginning, I started bringing her hands to her bottle to hold it, but she wanted nothing to do with that nonsense. Finally, after a few months, I got her to hold the bottle while I was holding her. Within days of that, she started holding the bottle on her own. She's funny though, because as soon as you hand her the bottle she starts drinking right where she stands and won't move until it's done. So, when Mommy needs a 2 - 3 minute break, I have to lay her down, propped up so she will sit back and enjoy. One day, she'll get the hang of it, but for now I just get to enjoy her cuteness.

The Big Apple

Neil and I enjoyed a visit from my cousin Molly and her new husband, Sean in January. It was Mia's first time on the train and visit to the city. We walked all around NYC, visiting places like the Rockefeller Center and Times Square. It was cold and wet, a mixing of rain and snow, but were able to ignore it and enjoy the time we had together. Mia loved all the bright, flashing lights of the city, especially at Times Square. We finished off our visit with a wonderful meal. Thanks for your company, Molly & Sean - we must do it again someday (when Mia can go shopping with Mommy).

Splish Splash

Mia loves her bath! She kicks and splashes water all over the tub and loves to play with all her fun bath toys. Her favorites are a turtle which has wheels that she can drive all over and of course, the cup that I use to rinse her with. She would stay in for hours if I let her, but our bathroom is cold during the winter, so they are short and sweet. Perhaps the summer time will bring for more fun in the tub for my little girl.