Here, the baby is on the left side of the hollow space (which is the amniotic fluid). His/her head is down (far left) and the feet are just beginning to form (on the right).
Here, the baby is flipped from the previous picture, so he/she is on the right. Head down (far right) and newly forming feet just above. The white circle just left of the baby is the yolk sak, which feeds the baby until the placenta is fully formed.
Neil and I are so excited! Seeing the sonogram and hearing that heartbeat really brought it home - we're having a baby!
Holly, I'm so excited for you, Neil and Andrew! What a blessing!
Thanks, Pam! We are anixously awaiting his/her arrival already! Keep checking in - I'll be posting updates as they happen. Love to the fam.
Congratulations! Again and again and again!! Aren't blogs wonderful? You can share these special moments with all of us who are so excited for you and Neil!
Much love my friend.
Well, it's not like being with you throughout all the changes, but the blog is the next best thing. Neil & I are SO excited and can't wait until I start showing. I haven't gained any weight yet, which I'm happy about but I'm sure that will change soon. My next sonogram is on July 29th and I'll be able to find out the sex. Plan, plan, plan (we know how I love to plan)! Oh, Kim, I wish you were here with me. Love you!
Hey, Neil & Holly! Nice baby pictures. Reminds me of the shrink's ink blot tests, though. Who does he(she) look like?
Very important...remember:
Ps 127:3 (NLT) Children are a gift from the LORD; they are a reward from him. 4 Children born to a young man (yes, you guys are still young) are like sharp arrows in a warrior's hands. 5 How happy is the man whose quiver is full of them!
Pr 17:6 (NLT) Grandchildren are the crowning glory of the aged; parents are the pride of their children.
So, Neil & Holly, just keep those babies coming--we could use a little more glory :)
We love you,
Mom & Dad
I'm already pregnant and you're telling me to have more babies?! I love ya, Dad. I'll keep pouring the glory on for as long as my body can take it.
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