Wednesday, November 19, 2008


I had my 36 week appointment today and guess what...I'm 1 cm dilated! The countdown begins! I know that one can remain dilated for weeks, so I'm not worried about delivering this early, but I can't help but be excited. I had all kinds of Braxton-Hicks contractions today and thought about packing my bags, but they went away after about an hour. Andrew arrived 8 days early and I'm a little nervous that Mia may follow his example. It's my hope that Mia stays right where she is until Dec 10th or 11th - that way my Mom will be here for the delivery. So, everyone keep your fingers crossed!

Friday, November 7, 2008

34 Weeks and counting

I turned 34 weeks on Tuesday and as I now recall from my pregnancy with Andrew, this is when the goin' gets tough. I've got all kinds of pains, from my regular headachs to the much unwanted pressure on my hips. I seemed to have forgotten about this last part, the uncomfortable stage until it hit me a few days ago. It hurts to do most things: sitting, standing, walking and getting out of bed, but the good news is that it's all worth it in the end.

My Mom arrives in San Diego on Dec 9th and I cannot tell you how excited I am to have her here with me. I am so looking forward to just spending some time with her before Mia arrives, hearing her advice and just enjoying her company; something I haven't been able to do very often since she is so far away. I sure hope that Mia holds out long enough for her Grandma to get here as I really want her in the delivery with me. I am so blessed to have her and I have to get my fix before she has to fly back home on New Year's.